1) Didn't say Liberty should be "held out" of the Playoff. Said I hope someone beats them, which is my prerogative as a fan of the sport and as someone who'd like to watch a competitive game instead of what we saw against Oregon last year.
2) Yeah if someone tried to keep a team out of the Playoff because that school supported gay people'…
1) Didn't say Liberty should be "held out" of the Playoff. Said I hope someone beats them, which is my prerogative as a fan of the sport and as someone who'd like to watch a competitive game instead of what we saw against Oregon last year.
2) Yeah if someone tried to keep a team out of the Playoff because that school supported gay people's rights, I would 100% condescend toward that person and have contempt for them. Hope this was helpful. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.
1) Didn't say Liberty should be "held out" of the Playoff. Said I hope someone beats them, which is my prerogative as a fan of the sport and as someone who'd like to watch a competitive game instead of what we saw against Oregon last year.
2) Yeah if someone tried to keep a team out of the Playoff because that school supported gay people's rights, I would 100% condescend toward that person and have contempt for them. Hope this was helpful. Thank you for listening and supporting the show.
That was the second reason you gave, which I fully agree with. I also would like to see a competitive game.
So you agree that the first reason you gave is problematic?
I do not. As a matter of ideological diversity, people should be free to root against whoever they wish. And you are free to not like it!
Okay, you admit that this is a reflection of the thing that you would condescend and hold contempt for. That is fair enough!