DJ Durkin continues to get SEC coordinator jobs. In the past few seasons, he’s bounced from Ole Miss to Texas A&M to Auburn as some of the most famous head coaches in college football have hired him to lead their defenses.
An older stop on Durkin’s journey now tends to get limited attention when he arrives at a new place. So let’s talk in detail about what happened after Durkin took over at Maryland ahead of 2016, the kind of program he sought to build, and what exactly happened in Maryland’s building leading up to the death of one of Durkin’s players, Jordan McNair, after a workout in 2018.
Reducing the story to a few words does not help people understand what happened in College Park. The whole history is important, and so is the unwillingness of powerful people to address it with transparency.
Further resources:
Maryland investigative commission report on the program’s culture
An athletic training consultant’s review of Maryland’s procedures
Production: Anthony Vito.