This was hilarious. Doomberg finally made me understand the key to this whole PE thing as it relates to college sports: Yes, it is dumb, you’re not missing anything if you think that it’s dumb, but also they’re still going to do it. They’ll take the money because PE wants to give it to them, and PE will make a return because there was al…
This was hilarious. Doomberg finally made me understand the key to this whole PE thing as it relates to college sports: Yes, it is dumb, you’re not missing anything if you think that it’s dumb, but also they’re still going to do it. They’ll take the money because PE wants to give it to them, and PE will make a return because there was always going to be a return anyway. PE won’t need to innovate, universities will take out bad loans because they can, and regulators will allow it because they’ll get paid. Good job Alex continuing to drill down on the “why” of it all because it really took most of the interview for me to buy into Doomberg’s premise, because yeah, it’s still incredibly dumb to sell off a part of a hypothetical 10,000-year institution. I’m going to listen again now. Again, hilarious.
“It’s game theory. Those who go and get hurt first will be ahead of everyone else who will still be hurting long after the first movers have gone numb.”
This was hilarious. Doomberg finally made me understand the key to this whole PE thing as it relates to college sports: Yes, it is dumb, you’re not missing anything if you think that it’s dumb, but also they’re still going to do it. They’ll take the money because PE wants to give it to them, and PE will make a return because there was always going to be a return anyway. PE won’t need to innovate, universities will take out bad loans because they can, and regulators will allow it because they’ll get paid. Good job Alex continuing to drill down on the “why” of it all because it really took most of the interview for me to buy into Doomberg’s premise, because yeah, it’s still incredibly dumb to sell off a part of a hypothetical 10,000-year institution. I’m going to listen again now. Again, hilarious.
“It’s game theory. Those who go and get hurt first will be ahead of everyone else who will still be hurting long after the first movers have gone numb.”