Didn’t get this in for the last mailbag/Single Wing but here goes….am I wrong that I want to turn into Don Draper and scream “that’s what the money is for!” every time I see a certain four-letter network reporter tweet something about how difficult the job of a FBS college football coach is when thier roster gets poached by the transfer …
Didn’t get this in for the last mailbag/Single Wing but here goes….am I wrong that I want to turn into Don Draper and scream “that’s what the money is for!” every time I see a certain four-letter network reporter tweet something about how difficult the job of a FBS college football coach is when thier roster gets poached by the transfer portal? Does having that reaction make me an ignorant and irrational fan?
Didn’t get this in for the last mailbag/Single Wing but here goes….am I wrong that I want to turn into Don Draper and scream “that’s what the money is for!” every time I see a certain four-letter network reporter tweet something about how difficult the job of a FBS college football coach is when thier roster gets poached by the transfer portal? Does having that reaction make me an ignorant and irrational fan?