I'm still convinced that the Dakota & Montana schools are good because there are G5 level players in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, and the Dakotas but there are no G5 schools. If you are not good enough for the Gophers and live in Moorhead, are you going to go to NIU, Tulsa, Wyoming, or NDSU?
I'm still convinced that the Dakota & Montana schools are good because there are G5 level players in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, and the Dakotas but there are no G5 schools. If you are not good enough for the Gophers and live in Moorhead, are you going to go to NIU, Tulsa, Wyoming, or NDSU?
I'm still convinced that the Dakota & Montana schools are good because there are G5 level players in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa, and the Dakotas but there are no G5 schools. If you are not good enough for the Gophers and live in Moorhead, are you going to go to NIU, Tulsa, Wyoming, or NDSU?