Agree with both Alex and Steven on the Corso comments. I do appreciate the inter generational friendships, and I’ve always appreciated Corso having the right to age on tv. However I agree with Steven on it being tough to watch, I think this may be related to my age and how I’m watching my parents age quickly like this.

Also, I have stopped watching, I tried when they were in Dublin, but there is so little I want to see there now

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Spot on with it all. Just turned it on and Godfrey’s phrase of “infected us with Pat McAfee” is so apparent.

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Alex will never let Godfrey and RJ forget their mocking of Bert and the Illini’s chances

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sure won't

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Alex has Texas State fans absolutely apoplectic, driving off the road. SplitZoneDuo LLC directly liable for untold road rage incidents across the state this week. All due to his little throw away comment about a program started in 2011 being more “established” than Texas State/Southwest Texas State University which fielded an official team in 1910 🤣

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I think Texas State might’ve listened to this episode, Alex 😳

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I really miss the show notes. If my team is featured I want to make sure I catch it, but without show notes I don't really know if I missed it or it just wasn't there.

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Do you mean the old episode prep notes that we used to post back in the old Patreon days? It's good to hear they were useful for you but I will admit that very few people seemed to care. We even asked on old surveys and it was by far the least useful subscriber benefit of the ones we mentioned. Ultimately we decided that publishing them standalone wasn't worth the time. I also try to leave fairly detailed descriptions of what we discuss, but don't list each game.

HOWEVER, a fun trick if you're looking for something specific: Substack's got a searchable transcript tool for every episode, and the transcripts are pretty accurate. It's at the top of the episode page here.

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Yup, that's what I miss! Thanks for the trick -- that helps!

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